Monday, December 20, 2004


It’s the way you go around your daily life not really noticing all the little things you’ve just tuned out and accepted and adjusted to, like how you know to jiggle your key in the lock exactly 2 ½ times and then pull it out just so before it will actually turn and open the front door, or the way you don’t even remember setting the contraption every morning that you rigged up on your bedroom door to keep it from flying open and springing your pet bird free into the vast hall of birdly perils that is your apartment while you’re out during the day, but when you get home at night, there it is, all configured properly and bird still safe inside your room, or the way you don’t even notice anymore that your bedroom door doesn’t stay closed by itself what with all the drafts in the apartment, and that you had to rig up that medieval contraption in the first place to keep bird in and accidental roommate glimpses through the crack at the appalling arrangement of your belongings out.

-June 4, 2002


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