Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Best Advice I've Gotten So Far

I got this from a Peace Corps friend who is serving in East Timor. Somehow I found it both romantic and terrifying:

"speaking of tasting things...i miss American food...biggest of all
would be the variety of ethnic foods that you’d be able to find in SF, but
when it comes right down to it I miss going into rosemoundes on a
sunday afternoon for a double sausage and a dill pickle then saddling up in
the toronado for a freshly poured pint of a chilled micro-brewed
seasonal beer. eat while you can...get sick of a ton of raw
tuna...drink an ocean of quality cold beers (it’ll be your last)
some stupid big named action movies at the theaters (none here on this
island)...and get ready to leave it all behind."


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